
Making great live music easy to find
Wondering what to do in the evening, but struggling to find the music you’re looking for? It’s so easy to miss out on great music events due as we hear about things in such a variety of ways – maybe on Instagram, or through a f riend, or out in public. But Chordana makes it easier than ever – building a platform for a variety of musicians to showcase their brilliant talent.

Helping streamline the search and booking process
For businesses and musicians, it continues to be so unnecessarily complicated to find and book artists. But why should it be so complicated? Chordana helps streamline this process, making it simple and easy for musicians to look for work, and for businesses to find exactly what they’re looking for.

Supporting great musicians
We give the opportunity for an endless amount of brilliant musicians to showcase their talent and connect them with great opportunities.

Helping businesses grow through music
So many businesses have struggled to find the right musicians or exactly what they’re looking for – but Chordana helps support businesses with their objectives, finding the right talent for them and supporting them on their path to growing and building their business.